Monday, February 19, 2007

Mazal Tov

We would like to wish Mazal Tov to our dear producer, mentor, boss etc. Dovid Weinbaum and Mirel Zirkind (Jerusalem, Israel) on their engagement.

The L'Chaim will IY"H tonight, Monday at the Jewish Children's Museum!

P.S thanks for watching this space. You may now resume your pre-scheduled programming, just make sure you are at the Lechaim!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Watch this space

Monday, February 12, 2007

Benny is a Chosnon and not to Steaven

WOWOWOWOWO .... MT Benny and Sonya (maccabat)

Mazal Tov - Nuite is a Chson

WOWOWOWOWOWOW... Mazel Tov Nutie

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Wouldn’t this be a awesome add for coke

Braking News

As you all know I will be leaving the museum on the 15th of March after which iw ill be going to South Africa for Pasech… so wahts the braking news then???? Ok Ok ill stop keeping you in suspense. Iy”h after Pasech ill be working for friendship circile on a fundraising event. Ill be producing and directing a musical show on Wingate theater. It hold 1100 seats. This is a very first of its kind boys putting on a show like this. Guys this is going to be on the top scale… I’m looking for the top 10 actors in Lubavitch (boys – Sorry Maccabats) also 2 or 3 kids that will be in it. The date of the show is the 24th of June. Put it in your calendar now. Its right before the camp starts. any suggestions or tips send me a email.

Guys iy”h Gershon Emer is getting married on Rosh Codesh Adar so far from the crew and biuilders there are 6 of us going if anyone else knows Gersh and wants to come along there is a bus going. Its $75 and will be fun.

For other news Benny is very confused is he should stay or leave Crown Heights for Chof Beish Shvhat… give us a comment on your thoughts on this.

Levi Walton thanks for taking care of us Maccabbes that came to the show last Motzi Sahbbos… Levi put a post up… Levi Zalmanov it was great seeing you today… come by and say hi.

Oh Ya I can’t forget the Monday night Sicha and ketchup (not sure what the ketchup is all about) but this is what benny had on his blog about it (the reason I am not just putting a link is bacsue there are some people that check this blog that he dsont want them checking his!
just a shout out to all my buddy's who decided to finally get rid of their Television (Only after the superbowl)... Good going mates... L'chaim to many more missed episodes of '24' and Good Hockey games being played

But seriously... I'd like everyone to know that there is a weekly Sicha and nosh get together which is being held at the 'TV crib' once a week now. It's for anyone who ever was part of the TV watching crew... NOTE TO EVERYONE: We've gone Chassidish and now learn Sichos. There is no more TV. All are invited!!

Anyway guys keep in touch…

Monday, February 5, 2007


I know this may not be appropriate to post... But I don't care... Is there some sort of Maccabee get-together this week??